Samuel Hall 47 Years a Slave SCHOLARSHIP



Check Application Status

William Eugenius Adams, Sr. in front of the Hall house in North Carolina

William Eugenius Adams, Jr. in front of the Hugh Hall house in North Carolina.

To check if your application has been received and if it is compliant with the application requirements, please click this link or copy the hyperlink below and paste it into your browser.

This will bring up a spreadsheet containing the three columns.

In the first column of the spreadsheet, look for your password. If you find it, your application has been received. Please allow 5 days after submitting your application for it to be received and logged by the Scholarship Board.

Look in the second column to see if your reference letter has been received. If the column is empty, the Letter of Recommendation for you has not been received. Also allow 10 days for it to reach us and be logged into our system.

If your application has been received, look in the third column to see if the review of your application has been completed. If the entry in this column is blank, your application is under review. If the review has been completed and your application is compliant, this column will contain the words ‘In Compliance’ or it will contain a note telling in what way it is not compliant. If your application is not compliant, please resubmit a corrected application by the deadline with a new password.

If you need to contact Samuel Hall Scholarships, please email